
SMART Goals. Psychology Fanatic article feature image


The SMART framework is a strategic tool for achieving goals effectively by ensuring they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. This method promotes clarity and success by transforming dreams into tangible milestones.

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Three Orientations. Psychology Fanatic article feature image

Three Orientations for Enjoying Life

The art of savoring life encompasses three orientations: anticipation, present, and reminiscing. By nurturing anticipation, embracing the present moment, and cherishing memories, we deepen our connection to life’s essence and enhance our capacity for joy.

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Maximizers and Sufficers in the Decision Making Process. Psychology Fanatic article feature image

Maximizers and Sufficers In Decision Making

Maximizers and Sufficers represent two decision-making approaches. Maximizers focus on the best possible outcome, causing stress and regret, while Sufficers seek good enough choices, leading to less stress and more satisfaction. Understanding one’s inclination can optimize decision-making.

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Self-Discipline. Psychology Fanatic article feature image


Self-discipline is crucial for personal and professional growth, mental health, and achievement. It involves controlling impulses and emotions to achieve long-term goals. Cognitive functions, theories, and self-improvement practices contribute to its development and effectiveness.

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Persistence. Psychology Fanatic article feature image


Persistence, a key element in achieving success, involves maintaining effort and focus despite challenges. It is linked to resilience and positive outcomes, but can become maladaptive if not channeled towards achievable goals. Developing persistence requires clear goals, adaptation, support, and self-compassion.

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