Modeling Psychology

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Modeling Psychology: Unraveling the Mysteries of Human Behavior

Humans learn in a variety of ways. An important element of learning is observation. We watch others and these observations shape norms, influence decisions, and sculpt identities. This element refers to the psychological concept of modeling, a process so pervasive that it touches every life, yet so nuanced that it often escapes our conscious awareness. As we embark on this exploration of modeling, we delve into the intricate dance of observation and imitation, where the silent gestures of one can become the guiding steps of another. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of modeling, the invisible sculptor of human behavior.

Modeling in psychology refers to the process of learning through observation of others. Learning from others is an effective method of drawing from the skill and experience of someone that either fought through the difficulties of learning from scratch or learned the behavior (or group of behaviors) from someone else. In psychology, we refer to this as social learning.

Key Definition:

Modeling in psychology refers to learning through observation and copying the behavior of someone.

Tony Robbins suggests that learning through identifying a model of desired behaviors is part of a growth mindset. Perhaps, we can learn from the openness of children. We tend to lock into our personalities, beliefs and biases as we grow old and limit vicarious learning to sources we believe already support our preconceived ideas.

Modeling in psychology is a process whereby learning occurs through observation, a form of vicarious learning where the observer learns simply by reciprocating the behaviour of a model without any comment or reinforcement. Children are masters of vicarious learning.

Vicarious learning is not a conscious endeavor but an unconscious absorbing of information observed from watching the actions of others. Dr. Robert DeMoss warns that “many lessons imparted through social learning are absorbed…without critical analysis.” DeMoss continues, “one important corollary to being a social creature is that, while in the presence of others, if our brains are receptive as a result of our age, we cannot remain uninfluenced. When the brain is ripe for learning, learning will occur, regardless of the lesson that is presented” (DeMoss, 1999).

While we send to learn from models unconsciously, we don’t indiscriminately learn from observations. In fact, I would argue that our social learning becomes more and more filtered as we age. Biases, expectations, and narrowing window of who we hold as an adequate model refine our pool of acceptable models. This refining process is also largely accomplished unconsciously.

Social Learning

Modeling in psychology is a foundational concept of Albert Bandura’s social learning theory. In a series of papers and presentations, during the early 1960’s, Bandura formulated his theory of social learning. He theorized that “new social responses may be acquired, or the characteristics of existing response hierarchies may be considerably modified as a function of observing the behaviors of others and its response consequences without the observer’s performing any overt responses himself or receiving any direct reinforcement during the acquisition period” (Bandura, Ross, & Ross, 1963).

Bandura’s concept of vicarious reinforcement stems from a series of classic studies on learned human aggression. Most memorable are his Bobo Doll studies where observing children mimicked adult aggression on these dolls.

I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn’t learn something from him.
~Galileo Galileo

Through the process of modeling, individuals can learn not only through direct experience but also by observing the actions and outcomes of others. This concept has profound implications for education, therapy, and even advertising. Organisms do not need to relearn everything from scratch. They learn through observation largely without the presence of any intention of learning or teaching. We observe behaviors, see the consequences, and absorb the lesson.

The Learner

We are pupils in the class of life. Wise instructors surround us. We can observe life mastery from many models. This, of course, happens without effort or intention. Yet, certain factors interfere with integration of healthy information. Our prior learning may create conflict with new incoming information. Instead of improving our vision, we reinterpret the message or deny it all together to match our preexisting beliefs. Crystal Park refers to this in her meaning making model.

See Park’s Meaning Making Model for more on this topic

Another interfering element is our inability to make connections between a models beliefs and behaviors and the overall consequences associated to these beliefs and behaviors. Making these associations is necessary for vicarious reinforcement to occur. Learning from our own behaviors and consequential reward or punishment also requires making this connection. Often, instated of learning the painful lesson, we unconsciously sever the connection (defense mechanisms) between personal responsibility and unfavorable outcomes to protect our ego.

The learner must be humble, trusting and open to learn. Otherwise, internal mechanism may interfere, blocking some of life’s greatest lessons.

The Model

Model’s matter. Research found that certain model characteristics were more impactful to vicarious learning than others. Live human models impacts learning more than imaginary or non-human models. Kind accepting figures were more influential than rejecting critical models. And observed behaviors carried more weight than observed words.

They may forget what you said – but they will never forget how you made them feel.
~Carl W. Buehner

Whether we want to or not, we act as models. This is a tremendous responsibility. We must routinely examine ourselves to make sure the unintended lessons we teach are of value.

Being mindful of the influence we have on others is crucial, as our actions and choices can serve as a guide for those around us. It’s important to recognize that even our unintentional behaviors can leave a lasting impression. By regularly reflecting on our conduct, we can ensure that the impact we make aligns with our values and contributes positively to the world around us. This self-awareness allows us to adjust our actions and strive to be the best version of ourselves, thereby enriching the experiences of those who look up to us.

Other Psychological Implications of Modeling Psychology

Additionally, modeling psychology investigates various factors that influence behavior and cognition, including social influences, cultural contexts, and individual differences. By examining how external factors shape behavior and how individuals differ in their cognitive processing styles, psychologists can develop a more comprehensive understanding of human psychology. More recently, research in social learning is targeting technological influences on learning (Mayes, 2015).

Example of Modeling in Action

Claire, a single mother of two, was concerned about her son Jay’s behavior. Jay, who was nine years old, had been getting into trouble at school and was defiant at home. Claire feared that Jay would end up like her brothers, two of whom were in prison.

One day, after receiving yet another negative note from Jay’s teacher, Claire, at her wit’s end, decided to discipline her son with a belt. She hoped that this would get him to behave. However, later that night, Claire witnessed her four-year-old daughter, Anna, taking a belt to her teddy bear and whipping it. Claire was horrified as she realized that Anna was imitating her own disciplinary actions.

This incident was a turning point for Claire. She recognized that her children were learning behaviors by observing her actions. Claire decided to seek alternative methods of discipline that did not involve physical punishment. She started using time-outs and verbal explanations to guide her children’s behavior. Over time, she noticed a positive change in both Jay and Anna’s behavior.

Claire’s experience is a clear example of Modeling in action. Her daughter Anna observed her mother’s behavior and imitated it, demonstrating how powerful observational learning can be. This example also highlights the importance of positive role models and the impact they can have on behavior.

This scenario is based on the principles of social learning theory, which emphasizes the role of observational learning in behavior. It shows how individuals, especially children, can adopt behaviors simply by watching and imitating others, without any direct reinforcement or instruction

Associate Concepts

In psychology, the concept of modeling is closely associated with observational learning, which is a form of social learning. This concept was extensively studied by psychologist Albert Bandura and is a key component of his Social Learning Theory. Here are some key concepts related to modeling in psychology:

  • Observational Learning: This is the process of learning by watching others and then imitating, or modeling, what they do or say. The individuals performing the imitated behavior are called models.
  • Mirror Neurons: Research suggests that imitative learning involves a specific type of neuron, called a mirror neuron, which fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another.
  • Prosocial and Antisocial Effects: Modeling can have both positive (prosocial) and negative (antisocial) effects. For example, children can learn cooperative behaviors or aggression through modeling.

These concepts illustrate how modeling plays a significant role in the way individuals learn and interact with their environment, influencing behavior across various contexts.

A Few Words by Psychology Fanatic

In summary, modeling psychology is a dynamic and multidimensional field that offers valuable insights into human behavior, cognition, and learning. By studying observational learning, cognitive models, and various influencing factors, psychologists continue to expand our understanding of the complexities of the human mind, which can contribute to advancements in education, therapy, and overall well-being.

Last Update: April 25, 2024

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Bandura, Albert, Ross, Dorothea; Ross, Sheila (1963). Vicarious reinforcement and imitative learning. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 67(6), 601-607. DOI: 10.1037/h0045550

DeMoss, Robert T. (1999). Brain Waves Through Time. Basic Books.

Mayes, JT (2015). Still to learn from vicarious learning. E-Learning and Digital Media, 12(3-4), 361-371. DOI: 10.1177/2042753015571839

Park, S., & Puranam, P. (2020). Learning what they think vs. learning what they do: The micro-foundations of vicarious learning. Computing Research Repository, 2023(2007). DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.2023.4842

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