Taking Action

Taking Action. Psychology Fanatic article feature image

The heavens open, a voice cuts through the icy air, and our hearts melt. Blessed with a momentary charge of clearness, we courageously move forward. We each have a few epiphanies—moments of enlightenment. But the brief clarity is soon clouded with the familiar uncertainty. The enlightenment fails to translate into a changed life. We scratch our heads and try to regain the motivation to fight off approaching confusions. Change doesn’t automatically follow insights. When all is said and done, we remain the same. Unless, of course, we begin taking action towards our goal.

Key Definition:

Taking action means doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done.

​Driven by the glorious hunt, we gobble up new information, desiring enlightenment, believing the next discovery will transform our pitiful lives. When change doesn’t magically follow, we rejoin the hunt. Our chase for meaning continues indefinitely. We our stuck on the treadmill of dissatisfaction, grasping for enlightenment but never satisfied with what we find.

“​Good doers don’t skimp on quality despite their eagerness to do more. Though they thrive on increased productivity measured in numbers, they also make sure to set standards for quality.”

​Insights contribute to healthy transformations but don’t create change without other necessary ingredients. Ingrained patterns of behavior need more than a simple insight to evolve into taking healthy action—life’s too complex.

How Words Fail

“In a moment of anger, I can cause a life time of regret,” the quote provides momentary insights, a glimmering hope for change; but the words fail to relieve us from the power of angry impulses. The jolts of anger continue—the same triggers still ignite the same fiery response.

Insight broadens understanding, serving as a valuable tool. The actual change comes from skilled use of the tool. We must face the demon and make a different choice—not take that drug, wait to make the purchase, study for the test, or calmly consider a spouse’s point of view. The new action when forced repeatedly creates the change.

​Attentive efforts redirecting automatic impulses eventually creates a new habit—change.  If angry responses disrupt meaningful intentions, we must find strength to intervene; a quote may soothe our soul, giving a dose of motivation and renewed purpose. Addictions, however, are a different animal, requiring more than a daily motto or motivational quote. Abandoning addictions demand skilled efforts, supported by supportive others willing to share the burden.

Taking Action and the Work of Change

Knowledge is wonderful, but the painstaking work of change remains to be done through taking action. Insights illuminate old patterns but don’t eliminate them. Gregg Krech wrote, “talking about what you need to do, researching your options, making a plan, going to therapy, ruminating about your inaction—these can all be effective strategies for avoiding what you know needs doing” (Krech, 2014). Planning is great, up tp a point. Soon the delay of action is more costly than additional planning is beneficial. Basically, at some point we need to quit researching and start writing.

Change never happens until thoughts and words transform into behaviors. When we truly internalize this truth, we realize the power we hold within ourselves to effect change. It’s not enough to simply think or speak about the changes we wish to see in the world; we must actively embody those ideals through our actions. Every great transformation in history has been the result of individuals or groups translating their thoughts and words into concrete, tangible behaviors. Whether it’s the pursuit of personal growth, societal progress, or global impact, the journey of change begins with the realization that our actions are the bridge between inspiration and actualization. As we embrace this concept, we empower ourselves to become catalysts for positive change, both within and beyond our immediate spheres of influence.

A Few Words by Psychology Fanatic

​Through mindful attention, behaviors, emotions, and sensitivities become clear, unobscured by the blinding biases. Unhealthy patterns become evident. At first, when unaccustomed to mindful living, only a few crumbs fall from the table of knowledge; with persistence, guidance and courage, we see harmful patterns beginning to materialize, giving us an opportunity to catch them before they run their destructive course.

Insight provides momentary waves of positive feelings—a good place to start; but only by the sweat, blisters, and sore muscles of active engagement will we change the trajectory of our life.

Last Update: February 25, 2024

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Krech, Gregg (2014). The Art of Taking Action: Lessons from Japanese Psychology. ToDo Institute Books Read on Kindle Books.

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